What’s the power behind Linkedin?
More than 30 persons from over the world joined in on last week’s Zoom-talk with Rita Hausken Barkhodaee. Chatting about topics such as benefits of social currency, why your presence on Linkedin both digitally and offline is more important than ever – and getting the right tone of voice on LinkedIn.
“LinkedIn is the holy grail for business development and personal branding, and people by in large have no clue how to use it effectively”
How are you maximizing Linkedin as an entrepreneur?
In this time of Covid19 and isolation, how are you maximizing Linkedin as an entrepreneur, and why has perfectionism gone out the window? Leadership coach – Rita Hausken asks entrepreneurs, business leaders and communicators some important questions when it comes to how they are using social media to network, especially in times of social distancing. The video below was shared in relation to the Zoom event, however the content is relevant for anyone who is just starting their LinkedIn-journey!
“Up Your Linkedin Game” – 5 steps to turn connections into currency
LinkedIn has a power to reach 610 000 million professionals with an AVERAGE of + USD 75 000 annual income, and is rated the top social network for lead generation. This means that LinkedIn is perfect to build your personal brand and create results in your business as an entrepreneur, without having to empty your marketing budget.
A quick overview of Rita's 5 steps on how to up your LinkedIn-game is listed below. The following are the main points and ideas which she teaches in her beginners classes. For more in depth knowledge on how to take full advantage of this social network, we invite you to connect with Rita on her social media platforms. This way you’ll be notified of any future seminars, as well as get access to her inspiring social media content.
Before doing anything on linkedin, ask yourself WHY do I want to be on this platform, WHAT do I want to create from being there. Then follow these 5 steps:
Step 1: Find prospects ( ensure you know your ideal client)
Step 2: Make first contact!
Step 3: Engage in dialogue
Step 4: Build relationship & Continue momentum and add value to them!
Step 5: Move Conversation Offline
“I loved how Rita compared Linkedin with good old fashioned networking, so true! Now one of the best Linkedin courses I’ve had”